

Network ≈ 2000 affiliate programs 5 subids Connect your account

Table of contents

    As an international affiliate marketing and performance advertising platform based in Moscow, Russia, CityAds has developed quite a positive reputation in the industry. They operate via CPA or Cost Per Action model and they provide unique services that help advertisers and publishers gain more reach and drive more sales while optimizing costs. The company uses proprietary big data technologies, which makes them one of the more technologically developed performance marketing networks in Europe.

    Their network is fully owned by CityAds Media LLLC, which was founded back in 2010. The CityAds online platform allows advertisers to place offers and compete for publishing space in their industry. Speaking of industries, the platform features publishers in various niches including gaming, finance, e-commerce, travel, and more. They offer customizable features such as widgets and a convenient reporting dashboard to keep track of progress and performance. Whether you’re an advertiser looking to maximize your campaign efficiency or a publisher looking to earn money, CityAds is a great opportunity to look into.

    Why connect CityAds to Strackr


    Connecting CityAds to Strackr takes just a few minutes, and lets you to collect your transactions, payments from over 2000 advertisers into one dashboard. You can connect your cashback application to our API to access the sa parameter that corresponds to the subid, or your couponing site to have access to deals.

    CityAds API integration

    To connect your data you will need an access to the Webmaster API.

    Set up CityAds connection

    1. Login to your account and click on API on the left menu:

    2. On the API page, click on Legacy API on the right menu, you will find your Remote Auth token, copy/paste on Strackr:

    About CityAds

    Affiliate data available from the CityAds API that you can connect to Strackr.

    Standard connection
    • Transactions
    • Clicks
    • Payments
    • Channels
    • Link Builder
    • Revenues
    • Revenues CPC
    • Program statuses
    • Deals
    • Transaction inquiries
    Subids for CityAds

    Get started for free

    30 days free trial, no credit card required. Connect to your networks within minutes — and cancel anytime.

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    If there’s anything else you want to know about Strackr, contact us and we’ll be happy to fill you in.

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