

All your deals in one location

Save time and effort with a single-page view of all the available coupons (voucher codes) and promotions (offers) updated daily!

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Affiliate deals

When you do affiliation, you realize that you need to rely on too many different platforms. I was losing more than 15 minutes a day checking my sales and clicks. Strackr is my new routine and it costs only a few euros per month, a nice surprise!


Benjamin Dadi

Founder - Univers-Vacances

Deals managed for you

Strackr collects deals from 60 affiliate networks — coupons are sanitized, standardized, and updated regularly, plus we remove expired deals automatically.

Access your deals from the dashboard, by manually downloading a CSV file or via the REST API.

Affliate coupons
Deals API feed

Automate your application with our API

If you’re looking to create a couponing site or provide coupons on your cashback application, integrating the Strackr API allows you to import deals automatically.

You’ll save precious development time on both integration and maintenance (network API changes, etc...) and will be able to get your application up and running sooner.

Affiliate marketing API

Handy tools for editors

The dashboard provides you with useful tools for your editors — such as a page to list all current deals or a coupon search tool based on the advertiser's name or URL.

Strackr lets you allocate specific permissions to your users — for example, to give editors access to tools but not to revenue or statistics.

Tools for editors

Find affiliate deals