

Independent 3 subids Connect your account

Table of contents

    Kelkoo was founded in 1999 in France and it has since turned into a global online marketing platform with thousands of consumers, retailers, and publishers connecting in one place. The Kelkoo Group offers an advanced affiliate program that allows publishers to monetize their audience and generate massive revenue. The company generates traffic successfully for thousands of merchants and manages over 275 million offers per month, across 39 countries.

    These numbers showcase the expertise Kelkoo was building over 22 years of its existence. They use shopping intent data and innovative technologies to drive traffic to online shops at highly scalable levels. Most importantly, they allow publishers to get paid for every click and monetize every bit of the traffic they generate, which creates a win-win situation for both parties of the affiliate marketing partnership. The comprehensive merchant database at Kelkoo consists of over 275 million products, which is enough to serve publishers in a variety of niches and industries.

    Why connect Kelkoo to Strackr


    Connecting Kelkoo to Strackr takes just a few minutes, and lets you to collect your transactions, clicks into one unified dashboard. You can connect your cashback application to our API to access the custom1 parameter that corresponds to the subid.

    Kelkoo API integration

    You will have to create your API credentials in your Kelkoo account.

    Legacy API

    Since 2023, a new API is available and the Legacy API is disabled, the data is different so it is not possible to import your Legacy account to the new API, you must create a new connection on Strackr. You can keep your Legacy connection in order to have your data history.

    How to setup your Kelkoo connection

    1. Connect to your Kelkoo Publisher Center, on the top main menu, click on Account and API Token:

    On the right side of the page, find the button Create new token and click on it:

    2. A modal will be displayed and edit 3 parameters:

    1. Fill in the name of the connection, Strackr for example.
    2. Choose your application to connect
    3. Choose the scope Reporting API AND Shopping API.

    Then click on the button Create new token.

    3. Your token will be displayed, click on the button Copy token and paste on Strackr your token:

    4. To find your Link ID, click on Links (1) and Links tag (2):

    Choose the same Application (1) that you choose when you created the token:

    Copy and paste the ID parameter (2), the format of the ID looks like this: 1111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555.

    Then click on the button Finished in the Kelkoo modal and you can connect your account on Strackr.

    If you have multiple application to connect, you have to repeat the same process.

    About Kelkoo

    Affiliate data available from the Kelkoo API that you can connect to Strackr.

    API connection
    • Transactions
    • Clicks
    • Payments
    • Channels
    • Link Builder
    • Revenues
    • Revenues CPC
    • Program statuses
    • Deals
    • Transaction inquiries
    Subids for Kelkoo

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