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Recurring affiliate programs offer publishers a great opportunity to earn extra money with little work. You can get a steady stream of passive income from just one customer referral, which can make a big difference in your earnings as time passes. There are many different affiliate programs out there with their own compensation plans, which include recurring commissions.
Recurring commission plans are more long-term than others, so they’re often sought after — especially in regard to SaaS products. They can generate monthly recurring affiliate commissions due to their subscription models.
Recurring commission affiliate programs can be difficult to track down, which is why tools like Strackr exist. We’ve provided content creators and publishers with a tool to monitor their affiliate networks, so stick with us as we guide you through recurring affiliate programs.
What Are Recurring Affiliate Programs?
Recurring affiliate programs is a type of affiliate marketing, which involves you receiving a commission for every subscription renewal or relevant product purchase made by a customer you referred. You can get multiple commissions from a single customer referral. For subscription plans, this can give you regular commission fees, which is a great way of making some passive income.
The main goal of recurring affiliate programs is to give you a fairly steady stream of commissions, which is why they usually involve SaaS products with monthly subscription models, such as ClickFunnels.
Customer retention is a big factor in making recurring affiliate programs successful. You don’t need to focus so much on getting new referrals as you do on making sure customers keep using a product or service, which can help accelerate your marketing success.
How Recurring Affiliate Programs Can Benefit You
You Will Get a Monthly Commission
You can receive monthly affiliate marketing commissions, which gives you some financial stability. It can also quickly amount to a large amount of income as time passes.
You Will Get Paid a Larger Sum Upfront
Recurring affiliate programs often include high ticket items, such as SaaS, which offer higher commission rates. Some programs also give affiliate publishers a larger sum upfront for new referrals and smaller sums for each subscription renewal.
It Helps Improve Your Passive Income
Recurring affiliate commissions give you passive income, which means you get money without needing to rely on new referrals or putting in extra work. You can track your revenue using Strackr’s monitoring tool, as well as compare your weekly income once you start getting more commissions.
Things to Consider When Promoting Recurring Affiliate Programs
Commission Rate
This refers to how much you’ll get paid per sale or subscription renewal. Usually, recurring affiliate programs give you a percentage of a sale — this determines the commission rate. For example, a 5% commission rate pays you 5% of a sale. Average commission rates range from 5-30% — any higher than that can be considered a high commission rate.
Make sure a recurring affiliate program offers a commission rate suitable for your services. Use this information to get an idea of the financial gain you could earn in a month or year’s time.
Ensure that the Business has a Good Reputation
Make sure that the company you choose to work with has a good brand image and is safe to promote on your website. Problematic companies can cause your audience to form a bad opinion of you and sour your relationship with them, so be sure to avoid them.
Instead, choose a brand with a good reputation. Promoting these businesses can in turn, improve your own image and increase the likelihood of your affiliate campaign succeeding.
Promote Products that Fit Your Niche
Choose recurring affiliate programs that suit your niche. These products will appeal more to your audience and increase the chances of conversion. Promoting products that suit your interests also makes your marketing campaign seem more genuine.
Best Recurring Affiliate Programs
#1: Embarque
Embarque's affiliate program is an attractive opportunity for all. It offers monthly recurring rates of 10%, with an average minimum order value of $799. They have three paid plans, starting at $800 to $1,499. As such, most partners can expect to make more than $200 in commission.
The agency's affiliate program is currently open to all, but potential partners with a large social media following or expertise in marketing and SEO are prioritized.
#2: ConvertKit
ConvertKit’s recurring affiliate program offers you a 30% monthly commission rate for two years per customer referral. ConvertKit has four different paid plans, which range from $9-$29 a month. Anyone can join the program by signing up, but ideal affiliate publishers should know the importance of email marketing and have an established audience that suits their niche.
#3: Semrush
Semrush’s recurring affiliate program offers publishers a large upfront commission fee of $200 for every new subscription sale made using their affiliate link. You can also receive upfront fees of $10 for every new trial user and $0.01 for every new sign-up.
After the initial subscription purchase, you get paid up to 40% recurring affiliate commissions for every renewal. There are six different subscription plans, which range from $99.95-$449.95 a month. This recurring affiliate program targets professionals, such as content publishers and marketing agencies. You can join by signing up with Impact, which is partnered with Semrush.
#4: Binance
Binance’s recurring affiliate program offers you up to 50% commission rates for every trade made using your affiliate link. They also offer a lifetime commission structure, which links your referred customers to you. You receive a commission for every future trade made by a linked customer.
To join the affiliate program, you must have over 5000 followers on social media or over 500 members in a trading community.
#5: ClickFunnels
ClickFunnels’ recurring affiliate program offers new publishers a 20% commission for every subscription renewal. If you have 40 referred customers who have used ClickFunnels for at least 30 days, you can qualify for up to 40% monthly commission rates. There are six paid plans, which range from $127-$297 a month.
You can also get up to 40% commission rates for every front-end offer purchased and receive $100 on top of that for specific book sales.
#6: Teachable
The Teachable recurring affiliate program offers up to 30% monthly commission rates for each subscription renewal. As you drive more conversions, your commission rate increases up to 30%. There are two custom plans as well as four paid plans, which range from $29-$119 a month. In order to join the affiliate program, just sign up with impact.
You get a 90-day cookie window for each conversion, which means customers have 90 days after clicking your affiliate link to make a purchase that earns you a commission. Otherwise, you don’t get paid for that conversion.
#7: EmailOctopus
EmailOctopus’ recurring affiliate program offers you a 30% commission rate for every subscription renewal in the first year. You get a 31-day cookie for every sign-up. This program targets anyone who owns a website, as well as online marketers.
They provide one paid plan, which costs £6 a month. They also offer a custom plan for anyone with over 500,000 subscribers. In order to join the affiliate program, you must provide your email along with a short description of how you plan to promote EmailOctopus.
#8: ActiveCampaign
The ActiveCampaign recurring affiliate program offers a 20-30% commission for each subscription renewal. New affiliate publishers start with a 20% commission fee, which will increase to 30% as you get more referrals and subscriptions are active for longer. There are several custom and paid plans available, which range from $9-$386 a month.
In order to join the affiliate program, you must create an account. After joining, you will get access to a unique affiliate link as well as a free starter pack, which includes promotional assets and a dashboard for tracking campaigns.
#9: Sellfy
Le programme d'affiliation récurrent de Sellfy offre une commission à vie de 25 % pour chaque achat et renouvellement d'abonnement. Il existe plusieurs formules d'abonnement payantes, dont le prix varie entre 19 et 159 dollars par mois. Ce programme est ouvert à toute personne disposant d'une plateforme, comme les blogueurs, les créateurs de contenu et les spécialistes du marketing. Le programme d'affiliation de Sellfy propose également des ressources et des outils pour vous aider à réussir vos campagnes.
Pour les éditeurs qui réalisent plus de six ventes mensuelles, vous pouvez gagner jusqu'à 40 % de commissions d'affiliation récurrentes en fonction de votre taux de conversion. Si vous réalisez 100 ventes par mois, vous pouvez recevoir un plan de commission personnalisé en envoyant un e-mail à Sellfy.
#10: SocialPilot
Le programme d'affiliation récurrent de SocialPilot offre un taux de commission de 20 % pour chaque renouvellement d'abonnement pendant un an. Ils proposent plusieurs plans payants, qui vont de 18 à 176 £ par mois. Vous disposez d'un cookie de 90 jours pour chaque référencement de client. Tout le monde peut rejoindre le programme en remplissant un formulaire de demande.
#11: Mangools
Le programme d'affiliation récurrent de Mangools offre une commission à vie de 30 % pour chaque renouvellement d'abonnement. Six formules payantes sont disponibles, allant de 29,90 à 129 dollars par mois. Vous disposez d'un cookie de 30 jours pour chaque inscription. Tout achat effectué par la suite génère une commission pour vous. Pour participer au programme, il suffit de créer un compte Mangools.
Les programmes d'affiliation récurrents sont un excellent moyen de gagner un revenu passif régulier. Ils impliquent généralement la promotion de produits SaaS, car la plupart des commissions d'affiliation récurrentes proviennent du renouvellement des abonnements. Certains programmes offrent également des commissions à vie et des frais initiaux pour les nouveaux parrainages. Vous devez choisir un programme d'affiliation qui convient à votre créneau et qui offre un bon taux de commission.
Il peut être difficile de trouver des programmes d'affiliation récurrents appropriés, surtout si vous recherchez des taux de commission ou des créneaux particuliers. Heureusement, Strackr dispose d'une vaste bibliothèque de réseaux et de programmes d'affiliation que vous pouvez facilement parcourir. Consultez notre live demo pour voir nos fonctionnalités en action, ou inscrivez-vous gratuitement dès aujourd'hui pour commencer votre recherche.
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