Import clicks

Import Click Statistics

Affiliate network APIs can provide various types of statistics. There are instances where click-through statistics might not be accessible via the API, even though they're shown in the platform interface.


At Strackr, we utilize click statistics to compute several metrics, including Earning Per Click (EPC) and Conversion Rate (CR). Both are crucial metrics for tracking your performance.

To address this limitation, we've introduced a feature that allows for manual importing of click statistics, provided the platform supports data export.

Here's a list of networks currently supporting this feature:

To export click statistics, refer to the documentation of the respective network.

How to Import Click Statistics

Once you've obtained the exported statistics file, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Strackr dashboard.

  2. In the left menu, select Connections, then Import data.


  3. Locate the desired connection from the list and click on the corresponding icon on the right.

    Import data

  4. Upload the file and wait for the update to finish. If the file is valid, your click statistics will populate our dashboard, granting you access to your performance metrics.

To ensure up-to-date click statistics, it's important to import the data on a regular basis.

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