NewWe added 3 networks: eBay Partner Network, ShareASale and Adservice.
For ShareASale and Adservice, you can have transactions, revenues, clicks. For eBay, all statistics are available.
Due to a ShareASale limitation, we can update data only one time by day.
NewWe added a new monitoring page: Performances.
On this page you can find EPC (earnings per click), Revshare (revenu sharing), CR (conversion rate), you can follow the performance of your affiliate commissions for all network.
The same metrics are available on a Performances tab for network and merchant pages.
NewWe added 2 networks: Impact Radius and Daisycon
For both, you can have transactions, revenues, clicks and payments statistics on Strackr.
NewWe added a new connection for Affilae who uses the API V3, this version allow you to have clicks statistics and metrics like EPC or CR.
During the Affilae beta, you will have to contact them to get your API Token.
ImprovementWe added some improvement for Networks and Merchants :
When you list merchants, you have now the CR (Conversion rate) metric:
The CR is displayed according to the date range and now you can choose "Current year" or "Last year":
In the Status merchant tab, you can display transactions and revenues volume with 2 charts:
We added a new tab to display the merchant transactions.
Like for merchants, we added a transactions tab.
NewNow you can have a daily report for the previous day by email, with transactions, revenues and clicks for each platform :
NewNow you can create new user with different roles :
During the beta you can have only one user, if you need more, please contact us.
ImprovementWe added for merchant a new KPI (Key Performance Indicator) called More statistics:
You can find the
ImprovementWe improved the statistics from network and merchant list by adding the sales Status chart :
You can check easily if a merchant declined too much sales...
NewAfter Networks, you have now access to the Merchants section with statistics like CPC (Cost per click) or Rev Share for each merchants :
NewWe added a Networks section, you can list all your Network and insight :
And for each Network you have access to statistics by Merchants, Status and more will come soon.
ImprovementWe updated the Monitoring networks page with an overview chart, you can monitor the revenue day by day for each network.
NewWe added a new page to monitor devices and OS: Monitoring -> Devices.
You can compare transactions by Devices : PC, Smartphone or Tablet and OS : Windows, Android, iOs, Mac, Linux and Blackberry OS.
ImprovementNow you can change the data granularity for each charts by days, weeks, months and years :
And we added on the time range selector the Current year and the Last year selection :
NewWe added a new page to monitor status: Monitoring -> Status.
You can compare revenue by status (confirmed, pending and declined) for Networks and Merchants
ImprovementWe added a notification error when you have a connection problem with a Network, you will have to edit the credentials to fix the problem.
NewWe added a new page to monitor merchants: Monitoring -> Merchants.
You can compare performances from the previous to the current month for each merchant that you have revenue.
NewStrackr is now ready for the private beta:
The release is still considered 'late alpha' or 'early beta' -- so please let us know when things do not work as you might expect them to work or if errors appear. Please use the feedback function or send us an email or with the live chat.
30 days free trial, no credit card required. Connect to your networks within minutes — and cancel anytime.
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If there’s anything else you want to know about Strackr, contact us and we’ll be happy to fill you in.