Changelog Updates and new features



API: sort transactions by payment date

When you want to list transactions in our API, you had 2 listing choices: based on the transaction date or the transaction status update. We have just added the ability to filter the transaction list based on the payment date of the transaction.

When a network provides the information in its API, we check if the transaction is paid by the advertiser during the status update, the information is available in our API and you can now for example list the latest paid transactions bu using the parameter time_type=paid.



New network: Adtogame

We have added a new affiliate platform: Adtogame

You can access to transactions, revenues, clicks, payments and program statuses on Strackr.



New network:

We have added a new affiliate platform:

You can access to transactions, revenues, clicks, payments and program statuses on Strackr.



Top selling products report

You are probably wondering what are the best selling products from the advertisers, to help you we have just added a new report page that will group the products sold, when the affiliate platforms APIs provide the data.

The report will display the number of sales per product and the total revenue generated by the sales. When you click on a product, the list of transactions will be displayed with the date, the advertiser and the status of the transaction.

You can change the time period and export your affiliate data in CSV.



New networks: and iProspect

Two new platforms are available for the SaaS platform Easy Marketing:

Transactions, revenues and program statuses are available.



Commissions range

We have improved the way we manage the affiliate commission ranges provided by the affiliate networks.

Until now, only the public commission rates were available in our API when they were provided in a standardized format by the networks. With this update, it is now possible to find the public commissions, and commissions range for each partnership you have with the programs.

An example in the API:

And on each page of the advertiser when we have the information:

In order to have more data available, we have also handled cases of non-standardized data, for example "The payout is between 2.4% and 8% of sales" from a network, will give in our API:

  "ratio": {
    "min": 2.4,
    "max": 8

Here is the list of networks already updated:

Your connections are now updated but for Awin it will take a few days before you have all your commission rates due to Awin's API restrictions.

If you need to integrate a network, please contact us.



New network: Lemonads

We have added a new affiliate platform: Lemonads

You can access to transactions, revenues, clicks, payments and program statuses on Strackr.



New option to update data

We have released a new option for updating data from affiliate networks: in addition to updating data every hour, it is now possible to update transactions every 10 minutes.
This option can be useful if you have a loyalty program or a cashback application in order to give the information as fast as possible to your users.

In order to make the update as fast as possible, only the transactions will be updated during the 10 minutes frequency, moreover the platforms having a too slow API responses (FlexOffers,, Rakuten, CityAds) and those strongly limiting the number of requests (ShareASale) will not be updated at this frequency, they will be updated every hour.

If you are interested, you can subscribe to the option on your subscription page.



New connector for Tradedoubler

We published a new connector for Tradedoubler, it gives the same data + payments.

The legacy API connection is still working, however you can create a connection with the new API and import your data from the legacy API:



Everflow: click statistics

Networks and advertisers using Everflow (Cove, Springwell, etc...) can now have click statistics on Strackr, no action is required, clicks will be displayed automatically.



New connector for Kwanko

A new connector is available for Kwanko, the old API is not yet deprecated and offer more data than the new one.

You can now connect and import your data from the old API:

However, you can keep the old API until Kwanko add clicks and the Link Builder, we will inform you when it is depreciated.



Slack: manage reports

You can now manage what type of report you will receive on your Slack workspace.

A new report is also available, the top 20 advertisers.

You can find more information in our Slack affiliate documentation.



New network: FinanceQuality

We added a new network: FinanceQuality

You can have transactions, revenues and programs status on Strackr.



New tool: Find deals

In the tools section, you will find a new Find deals page that will help you to search deals according to an advertiser name or the URL of an advertiser.



New SaaS platform: verticalAds

We added a new Saas affiliate platform: verticalAds

You can have transactions and revenues.

For this platform, 3 network are available:




There is already a connection for communicationAds and financeAds, you don't need to create a new connection, they are still operational.



New SaaS platform: Easy Marketing

We added a new Saas affiliate platform: Easy Marketing

You can have transactions, revenues and programs status.

For this platform, 1 network is available:


It's in beta, you may be have some error, we will fix them quickly.



New network: Lead Alliance

We added a new network: Lead Alliance

You can have transactions, revenues, clicks, deals and programs status on Strackr.



New networks: Hola and Acheel

2 new networks are available:

Hola (Post Affiliate Pro), they provide a VPN service.

Acheel (Tune) is an online insurance service.



New network: Aliexpress

We have added AliExpress on Strackr:

AliExpress is an online retail service based in China and currently available in many countries in the world.

You can have transactions and revenues on Strackr.

It's in beta, you may be have some error, we will fix them quickly.

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