Changelog Updates and new features



Export reports in CSV

We have improved the CSV export of reports (transactions, clicks, deals etc...) with more options available :

You can now choose a different date range from the table, it can be useful if you want to download a large date range with a lot of data without slowing down your browser.

It is now possible to select the columns and filters to be added in the CSV file.



Click statistics for

We enabled click statistics for, you don't have to edit your connection, clicks will start to be collected from today.



Monitoring categories

Since few weeks you can create categories of advertisers (with the dashboard and the API) and compare categories statistics with the comparison tool. We have just published a new monitoring page that will allow you to display statistics per category:



Sum in the report tables

We have added the display of the sum in the report tables:

When you filter the data, the sum will be automatically updated.



Filter and segment advertisers

We are introducing a new feature for the list of advertisers, the Segments.

You may noticed that we changed the access to the list of advertisers in the main menu:

You can now filter and segment important groups of advertisers:

You will find more information in the documentation

Don't hesitate to come back to us with feedback.



2 new networks for Everflow

We have added 2 new networks for Everflow:

  • FanFuel
  • Higher Intelligence



New networks for Everflow and Hasoffers

Druing the last days we added new networks on Strackr:

  • SpringWell
  • All Out Ads
  • SUEBI Digital Labs
  • Adstrategy
  • Xpartners



New connection for Refersion Marketplace

We added a new connection for Refersion Marketplace, you can now connect all your Refersion accounts with a single connection using the GraphQL token.

The previous connection for Refersion is no longer available.



New network: Yieldkit

We added a network: Yieldkit

You can have transactions and revenues on Strackr.

It's in beta, you may be have some error, we will fix them quickly.



Update for categories

We improved the categories for advertisers with some features:

  • You can now list reports (transactions, clicks and revenues) according to categories.
  • You can select and assign multiple advertisers to categories at once:

  • If you already have categories in your application, you can use the API to assign advertisers to categories.



New network: Commission Factory

We added a new network: Commission Factory

You can have transactions, revenues, clicks, deals and programs status on Strackr.



Categories for advertisers

The categories feature allows you to group advertisers together, you can group by type of advertisers, for example Electronics, Garden, House  etc... but it's also great for highlighting important advertisers who may require regular monitoring.

To create categories, click on the gear button in the left menu : 

If you want more information, please read the documentation.

After creating categories and adding advertisers, you will be able to list (Advertisers -> All advertisers) and display statistics by categories (Monitoring -> Comparison). 



Link Builder: eBay new tracking link structure

eBay introducing on February 18th a new URL format for tracking links, we have updated our tool according of EPN’s tracking link structure.

For your information, the old tracking link format, called Rover (URLs starting with, will be disabled on March 31th.



Transaction details

We improved the transaction report to display more information :

  • the global rate
  • transaction ID
  • channel
  • coupon/voucher code



New connection for

Since the 2021-02-01 disabled the API and provide a new system to download transaction reports. You will need to create a new connection with different credentials, please check the documentation.

We also updated the manual import connection according to the new report file.



API: new feature

Coupon / Voucher code for transactions
You will be able to see the coupon/voucher code of a transaction if the network provide the information (Awin, Effiliation, Partnerize, etc...) :

For past transactions, the update will be done in the next few days.

Connection status
In the top right of the dashboad you have access to the connection status during the last update, this information is now available in the API:

You can find more information in the API documentation.



New network: WebePartners

We added a network: WebePartners

You can have transactions, revenues, deals and programs status on Strackr.

It's in beta, you may be have some error, we will fix them quickly.



Slack integration

Strackr is now connected to Slack, your team has access to your data directly in your company's Slack channel.

With the integration you can :

1. Use /strackr command to access daily, weekly and monthly reports for any of your metrics :

2. Create affiliate links with the Link Builder.

3. A scheduled report will send your daily statistics to your channels every day.

Feel free to consult the Slack affiliate integration documentation and try it out !



New network: Gambling Affiliation

We added a network: Gambling Affiliation

You can have transactions and revenues on Strackr.

It's in beta, you may be have some error, we will fix them quickly.

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