Changelog Updates and new features



December Updates

Transaction Statuses:

We've noticed that for some networks like Rakuten and CJ, when a transaction is declined, the revenue defaults to 0. This results in an inaccurate revenue-based ratio, as declined transactions will always show 0 revenue.

To address this, we have introduced a new column and filter based on the number of transactions:

Network Connections:

Several improvements have been made to network connections:

  • Awin: The deals connection now utilizes the API instead of the soon-to-be-deprecated FTP file. No action is required from users.
  • Kelkoo: Transactions and revenues are now linked to advertisers, and the Link Builder has been enabled.
  • Xpartners: This network will be closing at the year's end, and connections will be automatically paused.
  • Eficads: This network has transitioned to using Tradedoubler. A new connector for this is now available on Strackr.

New Filters:

Two new filters have been added to the transaction report page: Transaction ID and Order ID.

Happy Holidays

We wish you and your teams a joyful holiday season, and here's to many more shared successes in 2024!



Updates for late November

Here's the latest news from Strackr for the last weeks of November:

New Connectors:

  1. CJ Affiliate: We have added a new connector that processes transactions based on the Event Date, as opposed to the current connector, which uses the Posted Date.
  2. They have launched a new API (Demand API), which is now integrated with Strackr.

Connector Enhancements:

We've upgraded several connectors to access more data:

  • ShareASale: Deals are now availble.
  • YieldKit: Click statistics can now be retrieved from YieldKit.
  • AliExpress: Transactions can now be segmented by Channels (Websites).

Dashboard Improvements:

Thanks to your feedback, we've addressed some issues and made improvements:

  • Category statistics now load more quickly.
  • New columns have been added to the Advertisers page, allowing for the display of performance statistics in absolute values, not just percentages.



Weekly update

Here's what's new on Strackr since last week:

Connectors to affiliate networks:

We have added new connectors:

  • Wedare (powered by Ingenious Technologies AG)
  • Feeliate (utilizing Tune's platform)
  • iReliev, Because Market, Reverse Health, Everyday Dose, and Harvest Hosts (all via Everflow)

With the addition of these new connectors, Strackr has now reached the milestone of connecting with over 200 affiliate networks!

Sovrn Commerce Connector Update:

We've upgraded the Sovrn Commerce connector to use the latest API for transaction data and to include click statistics.

Affiliate API Module:

A guide for using the Linkbuilder with our API has been introduced, and we've enhanced the Data page to provide more detailed information about the data available for each connection.

End of the Old Interface:

The time has come to bid farewell to the old interface. On the upcoming Monday, we will migrate to the new dashboard at the domain.



Weekly update

We'd like to share the recent improvements we've implemented during the week:

Improved Lead Alliance Platform Connection: We've updated our connection with the Lead Alliance platform, providing access to clicks, channels, and the link builder.

Custom Date Range Presets: Date range presets such as "Last 7 days" don't include today's date by default. However, you now have the option to include today's date in your profile settings, giving you more flexibility in data analysis.

Inquiry Manager Module Guides: We've made the Inquiry Manager module guides available.

Improved Data Update Logic: We've made an update to the data refresh logic for the connection. Transactions that are declined will no longer reset the commission and transaction amount to 0. This change ensures more accurate commission and transaction tracking, even in cases of refusal.



Improved Advertiser data

We have made significant improvements to our advertiser data to provide you with even more accurate information. These enhancements will benefit your API experience and tools such as LinkBuilder and program search by URL:

  • Cleaned-up website URLs: We've cleaned up the links provided in each advertiser's API, ensuring that you'll no longer encounter text, email addresses, or any other non-URL data. This means you'll have cleaner, more reliable links at your disposal.
  • Support for multi-domain Advertisers: We now offer support for multi-domain advertisers, networks like Awin or Impact provide a list of domains that are compatible with tracking links.

Don't hesitate to share your feedback with us.



New networks: Adbloom & ClickBank

New connections are available on Strackr:





New Dashboard and Inquiry Manager module now available

We're excited to announce that the new dashboard is now accessible to all users!

We've just launched the final piece of the puzzle: the Inquiry Manager module. You can start using it to efficiently handle user inquiries.

In less than a month, we're removing the old dashboard. During this period, we will focus on resolving any remaining bugs and enhancing the documentation and guides for both the API and Inquiry Manager modules.

Your feedback is highly valued, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us.



Database maintenance

Parallel to the development of our new dashboard, we're working on Strackr's new server infrastructure, which will improve the API's response speed and give us more flexibility in adding new features.

We would like to inform you that a maintenance window is scheduled for Thursday morning, August 24th, between 5:00 AM and 8:00 AM (UTC), for the purpose of migrating our database to a new system.

During this migration:

  • Access to the dashboard and the mobile application will be temporarily suspended.
  • Data updates will be paused.
  • The API will remain operational and accessible.

Following migration, no action will be required on your end. We retain the possibility of postponing or cancelling the migration.

Update 7:40 (UTC): The API and the dashboard are now plugged to the new database

Update 8:00 (UTC): We restarted the connection updates, we are monitoring errors



Webgains new API

Webgains has introduced a new API, now available on our platform. With this update, you have access to two connectors:

  • API 2023: Pulls data from all your "Sites" connected to Webgains.
  • API 2023 Campaign: Pulls data based on the Campaign ID only.

If you wish to upgrade from the Legacy API, simply select "API 2023 Campaign" in the connector list and then choose the Legacy connection in the Import list:

Please note that the Legacy API will soon be discontinued.



Clicks for Kwanko are available

Kwanko's new API now includes click metrics.

If you have chosen to keep using the old API, you can update your connection with the "API 2021" connector to access this new feature. For those who are already connected to this new API, click statistics will be automatically available in your reports.

Please note that the old API will be discontinued on Dec 31, 2023.



New network: Vitrado

Strackr now supports Vitrado, a new German affiliate network.

You can now access transaction and click metrics.



New networks and improvements

New connections are available on Strackr:

For Everflow:

  • Golden Hippo
  • Linkshop
  • MoreNiche

For Tune:

  • Pyrobikes
  • Dynu In Media
  • Zenith Labs
  • Kilo Health

For Tradedoubler:

  • Lidl ES
  • Adress company

And Drillisch Online:


We have added click statistics and Deals for networks using Easy Marketing (Saturn, Otto, etc...).



New network: and communicationAds update

We have added a new affiliate network:

You can access to transactions, revenues, clicks and program statuses on Strackr.

We also updated the communicationAds to the new API (not the verticalAds connection).



2 new networks and an update for Adservice

Two new networks are available:



Transactions, revenues and program statuses are available.

We have updated the Adservice connection in order to get the status of partnerships and deals, no action is required on your side.



Daisycon and Xpartners : update your connections

On April 3rd Daisycon (and Xpartners using the same platform) will disable the legacy API authentication system for a more secure solution using oAuth, you can now update your connections in order to use this new solution by following our Daysicon documentation.

As of April 3, if you have not updated your Strackr connections, we will not be able to update your Daisycon and Xpartners statistics.



New connection for Kelkoo

Last week Kelkoo disabled the Legacy API, we worked to integrate new the API and it is now available on Strackr.

Transactions and clicks are now available for Kelkoo.



Kelkoo connection closed

The connection to the Kelkoo API is closed since February 08, a new API is available and we will add it soon.



New networks: Brandreward + Goaffpro affiliate programs

We have added a new affiliate network: Brandreward

You can access to transactions and revenues on Strackr.

5 new affiliate programs are available for Goaffpro:

  • Fiido
  • Eskute DE
  • Airbell.bile
  • Valkental
  • BuyBestGear



New networks: and Yoox

Two new platforms are available from SaaS solution, the first from platform Easy Marketing and the second from Tradedoubler:


Transactions, revenues and program statuses are available.

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Still have questions?

If there’s anything else you want to know about Strackr, contact us and we’ll be happy to fill you in.

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